August 17, 2023

Cosmetology School vs. University


You may be at a time in your life when you’re at a crossroads deciding between cosmetology school or pursuing a university degree. In this blog post, we will talk about the differences between the two that can hopefully help you make an informed decision!

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Reasons to Become a Makeup Artist


Makeup artists make a real difference in their client’s lives. Whether you work in a small beauty counter or at a high-end makeup studio, there are many benefits to becoming a makeup artist. For one thing, you’ll be able to help clients look their best on special occasions and raise their self esteem. If you are someone who loves helping others, this career could be perfect for you.

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Why Exfoliate?

Beauty & Make-up, Skincare & Products

Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin using chemical, granular substance, or exfoliation tool means. Dead skin cells remaining on the skin surface can result in dry, flaky patches as well as clogged pores. By exfoliating, you are removing debris from your skin which can improve the appearance of your skin in several ways.

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What Vitamins Are Great For Your Hair?


Vitamins are crucial for hair growth and strengthening hair from the root. The best vitamins for hair include: Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Iron, Omega 3 & 6 and Zinc.

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DP | 5 Reasons to Become a Makeup Artist

Beauty & Make-up

Makeup artists use cosmetic products and various techniques to help people enhance or alter their client’s appearances.

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Why You Should Become An Esthetician

Beauty & Make-up, Skincare & Products

Have you ever considered a career that allows you to combine creativity with beauty? If so, becoming an esthetician might be the perfect path for you! In this blog, we’ll explore the many reasons why you should become an esthetician!

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What Can I Do with a Cosmetology License in Michigan?

Beauty & Make-up, Hair

If you’re considering pursuing a career in cosmetology in Michigan, you may be wondering what opportunities await you once you earn your cosmetology license. In this blog, we’re going over the different career paths you can have as a cosmetologist!

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Fall Skin Moisturizing Tips

Skincare & Products

Fall is here and it is the favorite season of many Americans because of the cool temperatures, fun festivities and changing leaves. The only downside we can think for the Fall season is it can zap the moisture out of your skin fast. Harsh temperatures are known to do that because of humidity dropping and then once Winter truly hits, cold breezes will also impact your natural moisture production. For tips on how to keep your skin moisturized this Fall and through the Winter months, read our blog.

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Hair FAQs


Learn more about a variety of frequently asked hair questions.

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How To and Why Become a Hairstylist


Learn how to and why you should pursue becoming a hair stylist by going to beauty school.

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